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Marissa Blossom


Marissa Blossom is a painter and pinhole photographer living and working in central New Jersey. Since graduating from Principia College with a bachelor’s degree in art in 2014, she has exhibited paintings and pinhole photographs both locally and internationally. She returned to Principia for the 2019-2020 school year as a post-graduate teaching intern in the Department of Art and Art History. Marissa happened upon pinhole photography in 2019 and is primarily self-taught, learning from books, online resources, and other pinhole photographers, and she continues to expand and develop her craft. She is an active member of the New Jersey Pinhole Club (NJPC), a group of avid pinhole photographers who exhibit work together. Most recently, her work was included in the NJPC’s Time and Space at Unique Photo in Philadelphia and Visible Traces: The Art of Pinhole Photography at the Hutchins Gallery in Lawrenceville, NJ.

Her great grandmother, Ruth Schleifer, was one of the founding members of Princeton Adult School

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