019A) Reading and Reciting French Poetry (In-Person)

Section A: Tues., 5:45–6:45 pm, Feb. 18, 10 sessions (In-person) PHS $135 each section
Section B: Tues., 7:30–8:30 pm, Feb. 18, 10 sessions (Virtual) $135 each section

Poetry enriches our lives; reciting great poems of French literature is the best way to appreciate the  beauty of the language and the complementarity of their sound and sense. In this course, we study a sampling of poems that les Français will have learned à l’école—by such immortals as Victor Hugo, Paul Eluard, and Guillaume Apollinaire. In addition to discussing (in French and/or in English) their themes, historical context, and poetic devices, we will practice reciting the poems using standard prononciation française. For relative beginners, the use of bilingual (French–English) texts will introduce and/or reinforce basic language skills, while (for the more advanced students), enhancing literary appreciation. The course will conclude with an optional session at a professional recording studio, where each participant will be directed for recording a poem of his/her choice—a keepsake of French cultural heritage that will remain with you ou que vous alliez (or wherever you go), or can be gifted to des amis Francophiles.

NOTE: Students who register for this course may take it in-person and/or on-line (at no extra cost to those who attend both sessions). 

Text/Materials:  All required texts and related materials will be supplied by the instructor (at no additional cost). Recommended texts (available from Amazon): Introduction to French Poetry (English and French Edition, edited by Stanley Appelbaum), Dover Publications, 1991 (ISBN-10: 0486267113 / ISBN-13:‎ 978-978-0486267111;

Collins Gem French Dictionary (English and French Edition), October 1, 2016 (ISBN-10: 0008141878 / ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0008141875)