193B) The Tree: Growing Your Tree

Where is your family tree taking root? The tree-building options are many from online (Ancestry, FamilySearch, etc.) to installed on your computer (Family Tree Maker, RootsMagic, Reunion, etc.) to synchronized options. Join us for a stroll through the forest of tree-building options where we will explore the pros/cons of each, common features and functions (charts, profiles, etc.), lesser known tips and tricks (merges, splits, etc.) and best practices for privacy as well as synchronizing and backing up your tree. We will look at paid and free options, Mac and Windows options, and tablet options. The only prerequisite for this course is to have a working device, a network connection, and a comfort in navigating your own computer.

Courses 193A–193C are taught by Carla Zimowsk as part of her AncestorTech© set of classes. AncestorTech© is a series of classes devoted to exploring today’s technology for today’s genealogy! There is no set order to the series. Students should feel free to take whichever individual course addresses their current interest. Each course will be repeated over time to reflect the ever-changing technological and genealogical landscape.