Kick off spring with a visit to Triumph Brewing Company! We’ll begin with The Big Picture: What exactly is beer, and why does it taste so different from wine or whiskey? Starting with Taste 1, we’ll lay the groundwork before diving into the brewing process, beginning with malting and an introduction to the grains that form beer’s foundation. With Taste 2, we’ll explore milling and mashing, uncovering how starch transforms into sugar, followed by lautering, collecting sweet wort, and the exciting boil stage where hops and other “seasonings” are added. Moving forward with Taste 3, we’ll delve into fermentation, where yeast creates the real magic of brewing. With Taste 4, we’ll cover maturation, carbonation, and filtration, which polish the beer and bring it to its final form. Finally, we’ll finish with Taste 5, reflecting on the journey from grain to glass and gaining a rich appreciation for the craft of brewing.
NOTE: Class will be held at The Triumph Brewing Company, newly relocated to the site of the old post office in Palmer Square, Princeton. Students must be at least 21; ID required.