Lecture: Wed., 7:00–8:00 pm, April 30, 1 session - Virtual
Walking Tour:
Section A: Thurs., 12:00–1:00 pm, May 1, 1 session
Section B: Sat., 10:30–11:30 am, May 3, 1 session
Rain Date: Sat., 10:30–11:30 m, May 10, 1 session
Established in 1757, Princeton Cemetery has been called the “Westminster Abbey of the United States.” A Zoom lecture will illuminate the history and development of this active, non-denominational burial site; Linda Gilmore, Business Administrator at Nassau Presbyterian Church, will share exciting new discoveries from an ongoing project. During the subsequent walking tour, hear fascinating stories of some prominent members of the community (including a U.S. president and vice president), as well as extraordinary tales from the diverse men and women that called Princeton home.
NOTE: The meeting location will be shared with participants during the Zoom meeting.