074) Pinhole Photography: Capturing Memories and Mystery (In-Person) (includes all material fees)

Tues., 7:00–8:30 pm, Feb. 25, 5 sessions— PHS
Sat., 1:00–3:00 pm, March 8, 1 session—Field trip location TBA

Pinhole photography, one of the earliest forms of the medium, has been revived as an exciting art form. Pinhole cameras can be made out of any light-proof container, even something as simple as a cookie tin or a shoebox. Because there is no viewfinder or lens on a pinhole camera, every shot is a mystery, and that is part of the draw. Each photo is like a memory — some truth of what was seen, with a dream-like blur and subtle haziness.
Students will learn to make a pinhole camera and how to achieve different effects. No prior darkroom experience is necessary. Photos on darkroom paper can be easily developed using household ingredients. The process itself is one of the most enjoyable parts of pinhole photography.

NOTE: The field trip location will be announced during class and will be within the Princeton area.