If you always wanted to express yourself artistically, this course will introduce you to the fundamental concepts and techniques of watercolor. Students will develop an understanding of how to see, analyze, mix, and apply colors. For beginners (and above). Demos will be provided.
Recommended Supplies: Beginner Watercolor
Watercolor Paint
Colors: Yellow Ochre, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Lemon, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber, Viridian Green, Burnt Sienna, Naples Yellow, White, Cobalt Blue, Winsor Green, Cadmium Yellow, Rose Madder, Cerulean Blue, Black
Recommended Brands: Lukas Aquarell 1862, Winson & Newton (Professional or Cotman), Koi, Grumbacher
Easel or Drawing Board - Optional
Palette - A plastic watercolor palette with a large mixing area(s) or Butcher's Tray
Brushes - Any assortment of synthetic brushes – rounds and flats in various sizes. e.g. 1/2″ flat brush, Assorted rounds (#2, #7, #10)
Watercolor Paper - Heavyweight watercolor paper (at least 140lb) - Cold or Hot Press - loose sheets, pad or block
Recommended Brands: Canson XL, Arches, Fluid, Stonehenge
Watercolor basin or 2 Containers for water
#2 pencil
Kneaded Eraser
Painter's tape (or masking tape)
Paper towels
Bar of Ivory Soap for cleaning brushes