Disc golf is played using rules similar to golf and played on an 18-hole course but instead of holes there are baskets. Get to play a 9-hole round of disc golf after the very first lesson. Instruction will emphasize technique, familiarization with equipment, rules of play and course etiquette. This game is perfect for people of all ages and all athletic abilities.
NOTE: Please meet at Disc Golf Course Mercer County Park— the course and parking lot is at Fields 3-9. (Google Maps has directions). Wear hiking boots or sneakers, bring water, and if needed bug spray. You may carry a back pack on the course. Bathrooms are located at the parking lot.
Supplies: Students can purchase a 3-disc set which runs about $30 from the instructor. Please email info@princetonadultschool.org if you will need a set so we can inform the instructor. Students will need to pay the instructor at the first class. You may purchase a set on your own, as well.