6 sessions (3 lectures and 3 field trips)
Lectures: Thurs., 7:00 pm, Sept. 19, Oct. 24, 31, 3 sessions (Virtual)
Field Trips: Sat., 9:00–11:30 am, Sept. 21, Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 3 sessions
New Jersey, on the Atlantic migration route, is a birding “hot spot”. Classes will cover bird identification, field guides, binoculars, migration, habitat, and the joy of birding. Come learn with us as we take three field trips in the greater Princeton area. Time and location of field trips will be sent to registered students. Field trips start early and go all morning.
NOTE: Those who have taken this course before or are experienced birdwatchers may enroll for the field trips only. (Please use course Section 166B to register for field trips only).