ELC502 Sp25) Electrical Trades II (180 hours)

The dates, times, and/or delivery (either in-person and/or remotely) of this class are subject to change due to the impact of COVID-19. All students who register for the class will be contacted via email and/or by phone, if and when, changes are made to this class.  If you are not contacted by the Adult Education office, then this class will run as normally scheduled.

Program of Study is Electrical Trades.  This program provides a comprehensive understanding of basic electrical principles and concepts, along with technical skills. The second semester includes instruction in commercial wiring, related technology, technical math and motor controls. The National Electrical Code and Ohm's Law is stressed througout the program. Prerequisite: Electrical Trades I  


Additional Information:
Course cost does not include Textbook. Textbook Purchase Required - 1. Modern Commercial Wiring 2017 NEC, ISBN- 978-1-63126-908-0 and 2. 2017 National Electrical Code Soft Cover #978-1-455912797